NOTE: "Don't knock yourself out!" means don't work too hard at something or for someone; it's not worth it. Example: Don't knock yourself out for Jeremy — he won't appreciate it anyway!
Speak English Like an American » LESSON 20 - Bob Gets an Angry Call from Carol
Texas millionaire and hunter Corey Knowlton recently paid $350,000 to kill an endangered black rhino in Namibia. There are only 4,000 to 5,000 black rhinos left in the world, and now there is one less.
In 1921, Ada Blackjack sailed to the Arctic’s Wrangel Island. She had no idea it would be a life and death struggle to survive. The petite woman was hired as a seamstress for the risky journey. Her travel companions were ...
What is love? Shakespeare wrote that love is a star. He is one of thousands of poets and writers who have used symbols to express this deep feeling.
James Monroe easily won election in 1816. He had a relaxed, likeable personality and was popular with voters. In addition, many saw him as a last connection to the country’s founding generation.
People often say that love turns up in the unlikeliest of places or that love will serendipitously find you when you least expect it. In some love stories, those old cliches couldn’t be more accurate.
Burn it or bury it. In most places around the world, that’s what we do with our garbage. Pretty grim choices that present disheartening ecological challenges. Incineration emits harmful gases and dust, exacerbating pollution of the air, land, and water, not to mention increasing global warming.
Youhei was a poor farmer. One day he found a wounded bird at his door. Youhei brought the bird inside and cared for her until she was strong enough to fly away.
This dating and marriage vocabulary guide provides common expressions used in English to speak about romance, going out and getting married including the verbs, nouns, and idioms used with these expressions.
Eating and enjoying a meal together provides the opportunity to speak English and enjoy yourself. The relaxing atmosphere of sharing a meal together helps the conversation flow.
Denise was planning on telling her grandparents that the doctor said she was going to have twins, but when her dad found out he jumped the gun and told them before Denise could say a word.
Say, Greg. Did you finally get that computer that you wanted so much? Not yet. I needed to raise a couple of hundred dollars more.
Listen, Kim. We're going to be really busy with moving tomorrow, and we've got to get an early start.
When Joan first started teaching she was afraid that she would have a lot of trouble getting used to the kids and to the faculty.
Andy did exceptionally well in all of the track events, but he bit the dust in the high jump competition.
This dating and marriage vocabulary guide provides common expressions used in English to speak about romance, going out and getting married including the verbs, nouns, and idioms used with these expressions.
Eating and enjoying a meal together provides the opportunity to speak English and enjoy yourself. The relaxing atmosphere of sharing a meal together helps the conversation flow.
Denise was planning on telling her grandparents that the doctor said she was going to have twins, but when her dad found out he jumped the gun and told them before Denise could say a word.
Say, Greg. Did you finally get that computer that you wanted so much? Not yet. I needed to raise a couple of hundred dollars more.
Listen, Kim. We're going to be really busy with moving tomorrow, and we've got to get an early start.
When Joan first started teaching she was afraid that she would have a lot of trouble getting used to the kids and to the faculty.
Andy did exceptionally well in all of the track events, but he bit the dust in the high jump competition.
Culture has a great influence on how we think, feel, and act. In fact, some cultural anthropologists even think that culture is a kind of template for our thoughts and feelings.
Apartheid was a system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party government of South Africa between 1948 and 1990. It continued the more informal racial hierarchy put in place by Great Britain in the late 19th century.
In the sense of using electronics to make music, "electronic music" has been around since the beginning of the 20th century.
What do fitness trackers have in common with gaming controllers? In June of 2015, Fitbit CEO James Park had something worth keeping track of besides his footsteps. The Fitbit initial public offering (IPO) was among the strongest of the year.
The word "parkour" comes from a French word for route or course; it is also the name of one of the world's fastest-growing activities. Parkour athletes, known as traceurs or traceuses, try to move across obstacles in the most dynamic and efficient way possible.
Why do humans feel the need to explore space? The reasons are various, from the abstract to the military, from the scientific to the economic. Often, these motives sit in direct contradiction to each other, and while exploring space has obvious benefits, it also carries great risks.
The origin of the universe has always been disputed. While the traditional wisdom of all cultures offers explanations, none has definitely proven how-or even if the universe began.
A memoir is a type of autobiographical writing. “Memoir" is a French word that means "memory." In a memoir, the author recalls meaningful experiences in his or her life.
Venus, the Roman goddess of beauty and love, heard rumors of a mortal named Psyche, who many claimed was more beautiful than herself. Venus was filled with jealousy and ordered her son, Cupid, to shoot Psyche with one of his magic arrows.
One of two basic attitudes sets the tone of a legal system. One attitude presumes a defendant is innocent until proven guilty. This presumption places the burden of proof on the prosecution.